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3 Tips Going Into Opening Day

3 Tips To Prepare You For the Ski Season 

No matter how much or little off season training you did, the first few days of the season can be tough — especially if there is a lot of snow. It’s almost a guarantee that even the simplest of body functions the next day will be excruciating. But there are certainly some old time tricks and work outs to keep you from over doing the first few days, here’s what we’ve gathered up:
1. Work out
Working out will help you gain more confidence on your first few runs. If you are able to couple cardiovascular and strength training exercises in the few weeks prior to opening day, your knees, calves, core, and shoulders will be able to keep up with the, what might feel like, foreign movement. Also, when your muscles do start to get tired, that is when injuries tend to happen. It’s a terrible thing to ruin an entire season in the first few days, although many of us can relate.
2. Dont over do it
Opening day is exciting, whether there is 3 feet of fresh or a single groomer, in any ski town there is a certain buzz in the air that brings perma-grins to everyone’s face. But we all have to realize, it’s the first day and whether there is a bunch of snow or not, we can count on another best day in the near future, so why kill yourself on opening weekend? 
3. Stretch
Similar to working out, stretching is a huge part of one’s fitness and their ability to perform certain movements well. But you can’t wake up on opening day and try to touch your toes a few times. It starts weeks prior and everyday working to stretch it out a little bit further. A great way to help increase your flexibility is through Yoga, the rapidly trending exercise sweeping the nation. Allowing your body to move more freely will, without a doubt help prevent injuries, soreness resulting in a high fives and smiles!
It’s not rocket science, but it’s nice to get a reminder to treat your body right and it will treat you right too, especially on the slopes. 

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