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Early Season Success

With the winter coming in full throttle as December begins it’s important to remember that there are easy ways to make sure that you’ll have success over your holiday vacation. This goes for everything from booking lift tickets as early as possible, making ski rental reservations, to knowing the local COVID restrictions of your ski destination. Here’s a few tips to ensure that you’ll have the best holiday ski vacation possible. 

Book tickets early

If you don’t have a full Ikon or Epic pass this upcoming season then booking your lift tickets as early as possible is going to be crucial for not giving yourself a headache down the road. A lot of the resorts we operate at have announced that they will prioritizing season pass holders over the holiday season by only selling limited single day lift tickets during busy dates. Below is a list of the days that tickets will be limited for non Epic and Ikon pass holders.

For Ikon Destinations

Limited Tickets — December 19th through January 8th, January 14th through 1January 17th, Febuary 18th through February 27th, March 12th through March 27 

Depending on which resort under the Ikon pass you are planning on visiting. Keep an eye out on news from that specific resort. Ikon allows each resort to determine their own restrictions as the season progresses.

For Vail Destinations 

Limited Tickets — December 25th through January 2nd, January 14th through January 17th, and February 18th through February 27

Book Ski Rentals Early

With the 2021 – 22 season ramping up to be one of our busiest seasons ever. We are seeing several of our most popular locations beginning to fill up during those popular ski vacation dates including Telluride, Big Sky, and Steamboat with orders quickly coming in for our other locations. 

Booking early will also allow you to plan your ski delivery as simply as possible. Not only do days get booked up but also popular time slots. Making sure you book your time slot early will ensure you’ll be able to make it to the resort as soon as the lifts start running. 

Book Those Accommodations Now 

We are partners with a lot of the hotels and accommodation business across all of our locations and the insider scoop we are hearing is that many of them are almost entirely booked out throughout some of the most popular dates of the season. 

Researching prices and booking as soon as possible will ensure you’re not scrambling to find a place to stay during your holiday ski vacation. 

Booking Rental Cars

From what we’ve been hearing, rental car companies across all of our locations have been seeing bookings like they never have before in seasons pass. These include major destinations like Colorado and Jackson Hole. Getting that rental car reserved now will make sure you’re not stressing when you get off the plane as to how you are going to make it to your accommodations.

Check Out Local COVID Restrictions

While a majority of places have gone away with mask requirements outside and lift ticket reservations at their resorts. Some COVID restrictions are still in place. Vail Resorts announced that masks will be required inside all of their facilities across their resorts along with proof of vaccination for people ages 12 and up to dine in any of their restaurants or quick service locations. This proof of vaccination also includes ski lessons. 

Reservations for restaurants will also still be in place with Vail predicting a larger demand for their dine in options. With this being the case, they have decided to open reservations one day prior instead of day of. 

Like ticket reservations, Ikon resorts will be putting their restrictions up to the individual resorts so make sure you are keeping an eye out for changes throughout the season. As of right now most Ikon resorts are recommending face masks inside with a few exceptions, like Deer Valley and Jackson Hole. 

As more news is released as the season continues we will make sure to keep you updated about any changes that may happen with lift tickets or COVID restrictions. Want to read more about what’s going on throughout our company and our locations? Check out a few more of our blogs. We can’t wait to see you out on the slopes during your holiday vacation.

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