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Scholarship Time!

I am excited to announce, on behalf of our team, the very first Ski Butlers Scholarship Fund. This Scholarship is based off the journey of myself, who believes that those that follow their passions are happier, stronger and more successful leaders. As I have dedicated a big portion of my life towards skiing and the mountains, it has helped me in so many ways. I am a strong believer that current students today, that follow their passions, will make the best leaders and that is why we want to help out these particular students. 

For myself it started at a young age learning to ski in Maine. We skied because my dad worked at a ski resort and it became our family time. As I grew up, skiing stayed with me, from ski racing in high school and college, to starting Ski Butlers. All this time, I have taken what I learned in mountains, to the classroom and to my current job and at the same time, the mountains steered me towards my current passion for running my own business. 

Sometimes with the pressure of society to go to the city to get a job,” or find a real job,” or go to the best school,” not necessarily the school that is best suited for yourself, can get in the way of creating the most successful, happy leaders in our country. 

If we can help lead just one student who is currently following their passion and push them to continue to do this, it is a small way that we can give back at Ski Butlers. 

To learn more about the Ski Butlers Scholarship, please visit our scholarship webpage.

Core Value #7 — Make a Difference in the Community

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