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Smith Head-Butts the Competition

Amidst an ever changing industry, something has been particularly trendy over the last few seasons. We are seeing that almost everyone who lives in ski towns and the majority of people that travel in for ski vacations, are now wearing helmets. There are a bunch of reasons for this including first and foremost, safety but also comfort, warmth, and style. At Ski Butlers, we are partnered with Smith Optics (www​.smithop​tics​.com) and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

It starts with all of our team members and their commitment to wearing helmets each and every day they venture out to go skiing or riding. Ski Butlers GM, Shawn Manwaring (@Shawn_Manwaring) was quoted saying I wear a helmet because it makes me feel a lot safer when I am pushing the limit and heading into uncharted territory.”

Our customers will many times say something like we don’t want to be the only ones wearing helmets” or aren’t helmets kind of pointless?” which gives our team the ability to educate them on recent industry trends. We have seen an increasing number of renters opting to rent helmets now and we are often surprised by the support call from our customer after a day of skiing that says something like You were right, we want helmets, can you please deliver them?” This is music to our ears at Ski Butlers as we try to be leaders in the snow sports industry and promote helmet safety and awareness to all people we interact with.

At Smith Optics, they offer a diverse line of product and truly have a helmet for anyone. With more than a dozen helmets in their adult line, you can let color, size, comfort or even ability to play music become a factor in your purchasing decision. See the entire adult product line here: http://​www​.smithop​tics​.com/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​#​/​H​e​l​m​e​t​s​/​A​d​u​l​t​+​H​e​l​mets/.

We speak from years of experience and can tell you that no matter which model you go with, you will be happy with the purchase and a lot more comfortable next time you hit the slopes.

In this life we live, you only get one chance at protecting your brain and we highly encourage all skiers and riders to wear a helmet. I mean come on, everyone’s doing it…

See you on the slopes!

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