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Team Colorado — A Ski Butlers Story

What makes Ski Butlers unique, different, fun and successful is all the great people who are part of the team and who share similar goals and passions. 
At Ski Butlers we work hard, play hard and experience the same rewards together. A big part of this is our Team Colorado Meetings, where we enjoy the day in true Ski Butler style.
The goal of our monthly Team Colorado Meetings is not to take a day off with friends and just ski but to come together, have fun and talk about all things Ski Butlers, all things snow and all things WOW. Conducting meetings on a chairlift and participating in the sport that is our passion, harnesses why we are Ski Butlers. 
Riley Tippet and Brandon Hawksley from Ski Butlers Aspen were Team Colorado’s hosts for the day. As true locals and great hosts, they lead us to their best stash; Highlands Bowl. The one catch is that there are no chairlifts to Highlands Bowl. It is a 40 minute hike that takes you to a staggering 12,392 feet, where the air gets thin and the views are spectacular. After enjoying the view, and catching our breath, we skied back down in the fresh Colorado POWDER.
As many of you know, Aspen is comprised of four mountains that can be skied under one pass. Ski Butlers Team Colorado was not going to accept skiing only one mountain for the day, so we quickly piled back in the car and drove to downtown Aspen where we finished our day skiing the fast and steep groomers of Ajax. As we took our skis off at the bottom, it was amazing how much we grew as Ski Butlers. 
Here are some thoughts about the day from the Team Colorado members. 
Riley Tippet (Owner, Aspen and Telluride)
What I love about this job, other than the fact that I live in Aspen and get to ski, is seeing everyone’s input. The input is highly valued and sought out, and our meetings happen on the chairlift! What better spot to talk about ski rental delivery then the lift or a hike of Highlands bowl? We chatted about WOW opportunities with guests, we talked about equipment, we talked about snow, building relationships, and the free Clif bars they give out at the top of the lift. From 1st year Ski Techs to 7th year owners, everyone has great ideas and this just happens to be one awesome way to express them. Can’t wait for the next Team Colorado Meetings hosted by Ski Butlers Breckenridge. 
Mark Simpson (Manager, Breckenridge)
Team Colorado held their monthly meetings for a chilly but exciting day in the beautiful mountain town of Aspen, Colorado. I think after our 3rd meeting ever, we’re starting to come together and realize what Team Colorado is all about. To me, it’s all about sharing ideas from different locations, meeting new team members, building the culture and just having a great day of working and skiing together. The highlight for me would be hiking the Highlands Bowl at Aspen Highlands. There’s nothing more fun and exciting to me than hiking a bowl and skiing down but it’s extra special when you get to accomplish that with your team! I think the most important thing is that we all have great ideas and when we get together, our ideas generate greater ones! There’s so much to look forward to and I can’t wait to host the Team Colorado meetings in Breckenridge in February!
Brandon Hawksley (Manager, Aspen)
Christmas had come and gone, and the craziness subsided, what better time for the CO Ski Butlers owners and gm’s to gather in a little place called Aspen. With a couple fresh inches of snow falling the previous night, plans were set and Highland’s Bowl was in our sights. Early morning clouds, gave way to mid day sunshine, and sub zero temperatures, nothing like a 40 minute hike to get the blood flowing and warm up on a freezing day! After some photo opportunities atop the bowl, it was time to have some fun. We rolled over the head wall and into the O‑Zone section of the bowl. To all of our surprise, 1,500 vertical feet of soft snow, and smooth turns awaited us. Words couldn’t explain the sheer excitement on everyone’s faces as we gathered below our descent. It’s an amazing feeling when for just a few split seconds, every worry and care in the world seems to slip away, and
all you can think of is how much fun you are having! Have fun and enjoy the journey.
Shawn Manwaring (GM, Vail/​Beaver Creek and Breckenridge)
There is a first for everything…today it was my first time hiking Highlands Bowl just outside of Aspen, CO. It was not only exhilarating but also a great team building exercise and time well spent with some fellow Ski Butlers. We have a job that allows us to spend time with amazing people, accomplish incredible feats and always, have fun! Oh the places we will go Ski Butlers!
Glen Traylor (Owner, Steamboat)
Ski Butlers has been one of the best decisions of my life because of days like today. With the five of us talking shop, hiking Highlands Bowl and skiing Ajax; it proved once again that a productive day can happen while having tons of fun with friends. Ski Butlers Core Value #6 is: Hard Work is Expected and Rewarded, and this core value was in true form today. We all have been working really hard for the holiday and New Year rush and a day away from the office and skiing with fellow Ski Butlers was an awesome reward. Also, do you know how high the hike is for Highlands Bowl??? It’s not an easy one, but the skiing you encounter after is worth every step taken. Thanks again Ski Butlers!
The credit for the memorable day must be given to the Team Aspen Ski Butlers and the incredible skiing that Aspen has to offer. Next stop…Breckenridge for Team Colorado February Meetings!

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