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This Blog Post is happily no longer relevant

So here’s the beauty of this post — it doesn’t matter anymore — we got 15″ here in Aspen/​Snowmass — we all knew it would come, we just get too excited. Read on and remember — we’re skiing fresh snow right now with more in the forecast.
Imagine you’re the New England Patriots, you practice and play in one of the nicest stadiums in the league. Great field, great locker rooms, the works. Now imagine you have to spend a season playing in a PAC 10 School’s stadium, it is still pretty amazing but it wouldn’t be what you were used to and therefore by default, your stadium is better.
That is what is going on out in Colorado right now, it’s not what we are used to but it’s still great. Don’t be fooled, there is snow, there may not be as much terrain open as other years at this point but it is quality skiing. 
I’ll let you in on a little secret, those of us who live in these resort towns are, how can I put this gently, spoiled when it comes to the snow. We have had those knee deep powder days, skied through 2 day storms, and frankly, it’s warped our minds. We lose track of time and dates, we see the first lost snowflakes in October and our mind immediately switches from bike tires to powder skis. We think we should be mid-winter right from the get go. It’s called SNOW-BRAINED. Symptoms include dreaming of skiing, wearing ski boots in-doors, talking about Pow, or Powdah, or fluff while wearing a t‑shirt, trying all your ski gear on a month prior to opening day. It’s a real epidemic. It happens every year, yes this year it’s a bit extended but come March when are Snow-brain has been subdued it will all be a distant memory, which is why we will go through it all over again at the beginning of next season.
Point of this rambling? The skiing is great, the views are amazing, you will have a great time, the snow is here and plenty is on the way. (This goes for visitors as well as locals!)

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